Nespresso Compatible Compostable Coffee Pods

Pesado Puck Diffuser Screen 53.5mm

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$27 $24


Rated 5/5 On Google

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Create café-quality coffee in your own home with the Pesado Puck Diffuser Screen 53.5mm. This inventive device assists in ensuring uniform and consistent water distribution throughout your coffee puck, resulting in a tastier and more harmonious extraction.

Pesado Puck Diffuser Screen 53.5mm Overview

Enhanced Water Dispersion: Bid farewell to channelling. The screen gently disperses water flow across your coffee grounds, preventing channelling (uneven extraction) and ensuring all the coffee grounds are saturated for a balanced flavour profile.

Improved Coffee Extraction: Unleash the full potential of your beans. By promoting uniform water dispersion, the diffuser screen aids in extracting the maximum flavour from your coffee beans, resulting in a richer and more nuanced cup.

Minimises Mess and Cleansing: Streamline cleanup. The screen helps capture loose coffee grounds, reducing the amount of coffee that ends up in your brew head and minimising cleaning time.

Robust Stainless Steel Construction: Engineered for durability. Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, the diffuser screen is resistant to rust and wear and tear, ensuring long-lasting use.

User-Friendly and Easy to Clean: Effortless maintenance. Simply place the screen on top of your coffee grounds before tamping and rinse it under running water after each use.

Pesado Puck Diffuser Screen 53.5mm Specifications

  • Diameter: 53.5mm
  • 100μm (microns)
  • Branded with the Pesado logo

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